About Me

Who am I? Well, I love personal development, fashion, having fun, and making money online.

In my heart I always felt there was something bigger, something I should be doing with my life to impact the world in a positive way.  I was nominated Most Popular, Best Dressed and Most Spirited in High School. I never saw myself popular and I never asked anyone to vote for me, so I was in shocked to be nominated to begin with. LoL. 

Popular girls are known to be mean girls, I was one crazy gal who would invite random people to come over to my house to party.

I consider myself lucky that I was exposed to online sales at my very first job at 17. Instagram was new. It was fascinating to see the store making money/receiving online orders while the owners were out having brunch. I would beg the shipping dept. at times to ship out the orders same-day no matter how busy we were because I wanted the fulfillment in my soul that our orders were shipping "same day." Haha. Luckily, the owners saw the sense of urgency in me to get things done so they gave me a raise and made me store manager within a very short time frame. It was then where I learned about how I could make money online while chilling at home or vacationing, or having brunch, and that's when my clothing store was born, and I started selling women's clothing online. 

So, no I don't have a sad story that I hated my job, no I was never homeless, and no I've never done drugs and hit rock bottom. My only sad story is that I lost all my credit card privileges from my parents when I turned 18. I went from spending $500 a day (just swiping that card) to "You're an adult now, give us our credit card back". Now I am thankful for that fire they indulged in me. At the time, I could've sworn they didn't love me. Thanks to that fire, I was happily working my 9-5pm, I was selling clothes online, and I would do bridal hair and makeup on the weekends. I was a BALLER thanks to my parents cutting my privileges. I bought my first Audi on my own. I was working, saving and doing anything I wanted with my money basically.  I did that for 4-5 years. Then my spiritual awakening happened, I pause everything but I had a savings from that hustle and that's how I bought my first investment property. 

I knew I wanted my first investment property to retire me. Sounds silly but I wanted my bills to be paid so I could work for fun, not because I had to.


Be clear about what you want from your first investment property. For example, I was clear that I wanted:

1. My car payment paid monthly $452 (I had a different Audi at that time)

2. My car insurance paid $125

3. My cellphone bill paid $140

5. My credit card bill paid $500

5. Treat my parents to a breakfast weekly $100 x 4 = $400

I knew I needed to buy a property that cash flow'd nothing less than $1,617.00 a month, and nothing less. Knowing this information made shopping for a property a lot easier. I knew when an investment property was a no or a yes. 

Man, if I would've known how easy it was to invest in real estate, I probably would've started way sooner. I had no guidance on buying real estate, no direction, just bust my ass and wait until I have 50k in savings. Now I know that information is simply not true. I made it with little to no effort. I show you Step by Step how I did it. Thanks to my first investment property, I can say I work for fun, not because I need to.

Obviously, everyone has a different scenario. If I wasn't living at home, my ultimate goal would be to buy a property that gets my rent paid so I can live for free.  

What if you invest $220 buying my eBook, and with of all the information packed in there, you buy your first investment property within the next 6 months? I show you step by step how to speed up your goal. 

 What could an extra $1,000- $3,000 do for you a month? 

Pay your rent? 

Pay your mortgage? 

Pay your child's care?

I completely understand when people say, "well it was easy for you to save because you still live at home. I have bills and I have kids"

I did it with $0 down. Too good to be true, huh?

I show you all of this! Get the eBook before my prices go up. 


How to Invest in Real Estate- Step by Step Guide – Araceli Carolina (araceli-carolina.com)